Container holding all commands related to text based art generation, where text based does not mean ASCII art or similar things but story like forms of
art instead
This command uses Open Ai models to generate short "stories" in given style and matching your short description
headline: headline you would give to your story
model: model from OpenAI model collection you want to use (defaults to davinci-instruct2)
⚠️ This command is currently not available in main deployment, in order to use it you have to deploy bot yourself., ⚠️
Container holding all command related to visual art generators such as images or NFTs
This command uses DalleMini model to generate images based on given prompt
prompt: prompt describing image you want to generate
This command uses Wombo Dream model to generate images based on given prompt and style
prompt: prompt describing image you want to generate
style: style of image you want to generate. List of all styles can be seen here.
This command uses CogView2 model to generate images based on given prompt and style
prompt: prompt describing image you want to generate
style: style of image you want to generate..
⚠️ This command is currently being considered for removal as it was very unstable lately ⚠️